S U R R E N D E R - L E T   I T   B E - A L L O W   I T
  There is ample room in the infinity of being for every expression to have its play, and then to exhaust its expression and go back into silence.  
Just In #2
Be Quiet
I Is Always Here
You Are Freedom
Personality What is That ?
Diving Into Self-Enquiry #2
Ample Room
Aware Of Awareness
Buddha Means No Identity
How Does Identification Drop Away ?
The Hum of Existence
No Effort To Remain
Spiritual Carrot
Not Attached To Any Experience
Missing The Obvious
Surrender (Papaji)

  Just keep quiet. Stay here. Something is working on you from inside. From inside you are beeing kissed by something and swallowed from within. How to give you direction to where you're going to go, when you're beeing eaten form within ? You're afraid to lose control, you think that with enough sufficient control, the correct control, sufficient skillfullness at control, you can control your way to nirvana. But another one is saying, no, you surrender, something is speaking to your heart, to wake up inside.  
  Just feel that 'stuff', allow it to be expressed, it flows within the human expression of consciousness, let it be. Because when it has been given the room to express itself, then the space behind, which is joyful, steady and tranquil will come to the front, only don't name this enlightenment and then feel that you've gained something, instead recognize and pay full attention to the unchanging silence which is the substratum of all that is appearing in the mind.  
  You don't have to police your feelings, just remain neutral. That neutrality is naturaly there. Don't say "Oh, I don't want to feel this !", don't choose the feelings, remain as that unassociated presence, the feeling "I Am". Get used to it. And this is the simplest exercice, if you want to call it like that. I'm pointing only to something which is naturaly with you.  
  It's also possible to allow some mood or some past pain to come up without loosing your peace.  
  All that is suppressed is coming up when the fragrance of truth is smelt, so it comes up to the surface. And you have to be with a master, you have to be with someone who's awake. Because they know all the different ways the mind can work. And they will remind you : don't panic, this is only the effects of a kind of detox which is going on, emotional and psychic detox, all your stuff is going out. Don't do any work on them. Now all you have to do is keep quiet, switch off from your involvement as much as possible, observe them happening, but don't try to manipulate. They will come, they are passing out.  
  If a mood, a sensation, is present in the body, why not just accept right now that this sensation is just present in the body ? Let it be, this is ok. This is the best attitude, and it will go by itself. If you start to struggle, this is how you perpetuate this state.  
  If you don't feed your pigeons thoughts, they go. Let everything be. Simply don't identify with it.  
  Nisargadatta Maharaj said : "I leave my existence (my human nature) to unfold (to play) according to whatever its destiny is. I remain as I Am". How profund. He didn't say "I really worked on myself, I've done really well, I've clean my house, now I'm fit for freedom !". No, he says now I've seeing that as long there's no such thing as a perfect personality, I've ceased wasting time trying to work on some things that doesn't exist.  
  You are the witness of all that is playing as the changeful. Don't try to manipulate the changeful. But if some movement comes to participate in the changeful, that is also the cosmic expression through this form, let it be, let it happen. Nothing takes you from what you are, except through thoughts.  
  And even if the sense of being troubled arises and it is seen that it's also the mecanism of the consciousness play, then it wouldn't feel so consequential. And so gradualy the impact of these sensations will also lessen, diminish. All of this would be just the play of some energetic soup of sensations and ideas. You would not be a traffic policeman in your own head, you wouldn't have to set up any immigration desk for thoughts, they can come and go freely, they would not be of concern, you would not be complaining "Oh yes, this thing that troubles me is this...", because nothing would really trouble you.  
  Say : "Ok, resistance can happen, sickness can happen, even some sort of fear arising for the personality can happen, the feeling of personality can happen, but I am not endorsing it, I'm not supporting this, and there's room also for this in me, but this is not the definition of who I am, it's a part of the expressive power of the cosmos behaving in this body, nature is behaving like this in this body. I am the awareness of this".  
  Somehow all this noise is being comed-out through your own introspection, through grace. Whatever it is that your own beingness is pleased to, allow itself, to clean itself, this is going on automatically.  
  Is it too costly to allow youself to simply be ?  
  You call it fear, I say this shaking, the shaking happens in the body, it can happen you know. And you must fully allow it to happen, to then see that it's nothing.  
  Some things, you have to get used to. That potential was dormant inside, and that story flicked it up, brought it up. It's good, better out than in. So for a while now, it's trigged, this mood is present, and it's also possible to allow some mood or some past pain to come up without loosing your peace. Often we think that the two are not compatible, that they cannot sit in the same chair, but there is ample room in the infinity of being for every expression to have its play, and then to exhaust its expression and go back into silence. If a mood, a sensation, is present in the body, why not just accept right now that this sensation is just present in the body ? Let it be, this is ok. This is the best attitude, and it will go by itself. If you start to struggle, this is how you perpetuate this state. Anything can come.  
